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Comparison of all CineStill films

CineStill is a well-known brand in analog photography, specializing in adapting motion picture film material for photographic use. The founders of CineStill developed a method to remove the Remjet layer, which is usually present on motion picture films, allowing their films to be developed using the standard C-41 process. This makes development in regular photo labs possible without the need for special chemicals. However, the absence of the Remjet layer creates a distinctive effect: halation, where bright light sources produce red halos. This phenomenon has become a popular stylistic feature for many photographers.

Comparison of CineStill Films

1. CineStill 800T (Tungsten, ISO 800)

Suitable for: Night photography, artificial lighting

Features: CineStill 800T is a film designed for artificial light (Tungsten) and performs exceptionally well in low-light scenes. It shows cool, subdued colors and produces the characteristic halation effect, where bright light sources create red halos, due to the lack of the Remjet layer. Although the film is designed for artificial light, it can also be used in daylight with a blue filter (85B) to correct the color shift. The film can be pushed up to ISO 3200, though grain becomes more pronounced at higher ISOs.


2. CineStill 50D (Daylight, ISO 50)

Suitable for: Bright, sunny daylight scenes

Features: CineStill 50D is an extremely fine-grain film ideal for bright lighting conditions and precise details. Its low ISO makes it perfect for landscapes and portraits that demand high sharpness and fine detail. This film also exhibits the typical halation effect in overexposed light sources, though less prominently than the 800T.


3. CineStill 400D (Daylight, ISO 400)

Suitable for: Versatile photography in various lighting conditions

Features: CineStill 400D is a highly flexible film that performs well in both daylight and diffuse lighting conditions. It offers a warm, natural color spectrum, making it ideal for diverse applications. The film can be pushed up to ISO 3200 while retaining good detail, though grain and contrast increase at higher ISOs. The 400D is specifically designed for photographers looking for a universal film that works indoors and outdoors.


4. CineStill Double-X (Black and White, ISO 250/200)

Suitable for: Classic black-and-white photography

Features: Double-X is based on the well-known Kodak Eastman Double-X film stock and delivers deep contrasts with a wide tonal range. With a nominal sensitivity of ISO 250 in daylight and ISO 200 in artificial light, it offers photographers a classic black-and-white aesthetic. It is particularly suitable for those seeking a versatile and robust black-and-white option.



CineStill offers a unique range of films suited for different photography styles and lighting conditions. 800T is perfect for night scenes and artificial lighting, while 50D shines in bright, sunny environments. 400D is the most versatile option for photographers who do not want to limit themselves to specific lighting conditions, and Double-X delivers classic black-and-white images with high contrast. All films feature the characteristic halation effect, bringing the cinematic experience into the world of photography.

The YouTuber Willem Verbeeck, also known for his photography brand "Long Weekend", has also created a video about CineStill films: