Analogue black and white photography x ATELIER ANALOG PHOTOGRAPHY
Analog black and white photography is more than just a trend – it is a conscious decision for slowing down, craftsmanship, and a deep engagement with the medium. We are excited to guide you through this blog post about analog black and white photography and to be inspired together by the unique interplay between light and shadow!
Why black and white photography?
In a world full of colors, it can be a liberating experience to reduce photography to its essence: light, shadows, contrasts, and textures. Analog black and white photography is not just a technique but an art form that focuses intensely on lighting and composition. It also provides an excellent opportunity to learn the fundamentals of photography and experiment creatively with moods. Those who embrace black and white discover a completely new way of perceiving subjects—free from the distraction of colors.
In black and white photography, every subject is defined by contrasts. The right camera settings and the choice of the right film play a crucial role. To ensure your images turn out well, it's important to understand the functionality, structure, and key settings of your camera:
We also recommend deepening this knowledge in a hands-on workshop – and for that, there is the ATELIER ANALOG PHOTOGRAPHY in Berlin under the direction of Oran Greier, which offers workshops on analog black and white photography. These are suitable for both beginners and advanced photographers, covering everything from correct exposure for black and white films and manual camera operation to the development process in the darkroom.
We hope we could answer your questions about analog black and white photography or spark your interest. If you have any further questions, we are happy to assist you at every step—whether you're just starting to explore the fascinating world of analog photography or are already part of the analog community and looking to perfect your technique.
This article was written by Marlena Brill.