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Determine the correct exposure: Shutter speed explained simply!

Shutter speed, along with aperture and ISO, is one of the three key elements that significantly influence both the exposure and artistic effect of a photograph. As the name suggests, shutter speed determines how long the camera shutter remains open after pressing the shutter button, controlling how much light reaches the sensor during this time.

Simply put: the duration for which the shutter is open determines the amount of captured light. A longer shutter speed, such as 1/60 second, results in a longer exposure of the sensor, allowing more light to enter the image and making the photo appear brighter. Conversely, a short shutter speed, like 1/250 second or faster, lets in less light. The ability to vary between fractions of a second and multiple seconds allows precise control over different lighting effects.

An important aspect of shutter speed is its impact on motion blur. A longer exposure time can make dynamic movements appear soft and give the image a flowing impression. On the other hand, short shutter speeds ensure that even fast movements are sharply frozen. This flexibility opens up creative possibilities to achieve either dynamic or static effects.

How do shutter speed and aperture work together?

Beyond just exposure time, there is an interdependent relationship between shutter speed and aperture. Both parameters together determine how much light reaches the image sensor. For example, 1/30 second at an aperture of f/5.6 allows the same amount of light as 1/8 second at f/11. This interaction enables different combinations to achieve the desired exposure without changing the overall light intensity.

If you’re shooting without a tripod, you should follow two basic rules:

  • Ideally, use a shutter speed of 1/200 second to avoid camera shake.

  • For small focal lengths (up to approx. 60mm), ensure your exposure time is at least 1/60 second to capture sharp images.

Shutter speed is a powerful tool in photography that influences not just brightness but also the character of an image. By understanding and effectively controlling shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, you can tackle both technical and creative challenges and create stunning photos. If you’d like to learn more about the key elements of photography, feel free to check out our blog posts on ISO and aperture. And if you have any questions or need tips on analog photography and film development, your DASEIN Film Lab is always here to help!

This article was written by Marlena Brill.