
  1. Read more: Analogue photography: Your starter guide
    Analog Fotografie: Dein Starter-Guide

    Analogue photography: Your starter guide

    Tauche ein in die analoge Welt: Wir zeigen dir, wie du die richtige Kamera und den passenden Film findest und geben dir Tipps für den perfekten Einstieg. Entschleunigung, Kreativität und besondere Ästhetik – mach jedes Bild zu etwas Einzigartigem!

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  2. Read more: Comparison of all CineStill films
    Vergleich aller CineStill-Filme

    Comparison of all CineStill films

    CineStill is a well-known brand in analog photography, specializing in adapting motion picture film material for photographic use. The founders of ...
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  3. Read more: The best black and white films: A comparison of classics and modern favourites
    Die besten Schwarzweißfilme: Klassiker und moderne Favoriten im Vergleich

    The best black and white films: A comparison of classics and modern favourites

    Find the perfect black and white film for your photo projects - from classics like Kodak Tri-X to affordable favourites like Fomapan. Which black and white films are the best?
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  4. Read more: Push and pull development in analogue photography: a guide
    Push- und Pull-Entwicklung in der analogen Fotografie: Ein Leitfaden

    Push and pull development in analogue photography: a guide

    In the world of analog photography, push and pull processing provide photographers with a way to flexibly adapt their films to different lighting c...
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